Best React Native Databases for App Development

react native nosql

Let’supdate the sync subscription to only sync data relevant to thecurrent mode. We import thisclass in AppWrapper.tsx to include it in the app’s overall Realmschema. To build and run the app on an iOS device or simulator, installthe additional iOS dependencies with CocoaPods.


Firebase is suitable for scalable applications when you want to transfer your data to multiple users at the same time without having to worry about interruptions. In fact, data serving and synchronization are extremely fast, so users can easily access files and data across the globe. This breakdown only consists of local database options that provide full database functionality (persistent, consistent and queryable data stores).

React Native App

React native has emerged itself as a major preference of establishments and startups seeking a mode for entering the app domain cost-effectively and time-efficiently. It is one of the most famous cross-platform mobile frameworks used by developers worldwide. As per a 2023 developer survey, 35% of software developers utilized React Native. In this blog, you will discover the top React Native databases, highlighting their strengths and best use cases. You will also learn how to elevate your app’s performance and give a competitive edge to others.

React Native Database

  • Another approach to increase performance is to configure several parameters of DBMS using PRAGMA statements.
  • SQLite is a SQL based relational database written in C that was crafted to be embed inside of applications.
  • When your data is unstructured and complex or when you cannot accurately specify schemas, MongoDB is the best choice.
  • On the other hand, Android still does not have anything extremely solid in terms of security apart from the SQL engine’s own security layers.
  • AsyncStorage is a simple key-value storage system built into React Native.
  • The advanced ready-to-use features of Firebase realtime database are used for file storage, user authentication, analytics, and more.

After selecting the .zip or App Services CLI method, follow the on-screeninstructions to get the client code. If you prefer to explore on your own rather than follow a guidedtutorial, check out the React Native Quick Start. It includes copyable codeexamples and the essential information that you need to set up aReact Native app with Atlas Device Sync. Add to your JavaScript knowledge of shortcuts by mastering the ternary operator, so you can write cleaner code that your fellow developers will love.

Benefits of Realm In React Native:

react native nosql

React Native is booming as an ideal choice for developing mobile applications. Organizations and developers are shipping high-performance apps using React Native. There always seems to be pressure on developers and teams to deliver offline-first and high-performing applications. It’s often challenging to choose the right tools and technology stack for your apps, including the appropriate database. In this article, we cover everything you need to know in order to choose the right database for your React Native app.

react native nosql

Benefits of Digital Ocean for React Native App Development

Adding a property to a Realm object is not a breaking changeand therefore does not require a client reset. The template app has Development Modeenabled, so changes to the client Realm object are reflected inthe server-side schema. The template app includes a fully configured App Services App in thebackend directory. It has a unique appId value inatlasConfig.json that client applications use to connect. The appservices apps createcommand sets up the backend and creates a React Native templateapp for you to use as a base for this tutorial. Follow the procedure described in theCreate an App Services Strong Middle Full Stack developer (Nest.js/React.js) job App guide, and selectCreate App from Template.

  • 1 The concept of “offline-first” is a predecessor to “local-first” and there’s overlap between the two concepts.
  • For example it has to store all documents states over time which is required to replicate with CouchDB.
  • It preserves data in JSON format and enables all CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functions to be queried and mutated using a simple JS API.
  • For this tutorial, we’ll add a new priority property to theItem objects.
  • If you take more than 20 lines of code to write a simple CRUD operations, any advanced database should be your last choice.
  • AsyncStorage is fine when only a small amount of data needs to be stored and when no query capabilities besides the key-access are required.
  • Among all, SQLite is one of the widely used databases because it is a serverless, lightweight self-contained, fully featured SQL database engine.

It also natively supports server-side encryption, making the database more secure from server-side vulnerabilities. It is released under an open-source license and is developed, distributed and supported by Oracle Corporation. Watermelon DB supports security and encryption on iOS using Keychain and randomized hash strings with secure access, resulting in secure storage and no access to other apps except yours. On the other hand, Android still does not have anything extremely solid in terms of security apart from the SQL engine’s own security layers.

When to use union types

Don’t forget to add showImportantOnly to the list ofdependencies in the second argument of useEffect. For this tutorial, we’ll add a new priority property to theItem objects. This will let us organize to-dos by how important theyare and allow us to focus only on the most important ones. A reusable button that simulates an offline mode by pausing and resumingthe current Realm syncSession. It functions as a wrappercomponent and contains all of the @realm/react providers. This iswhere you configure your realm how to hire a software developer and your connection to your Atlasbackend.